Friday, May 2, 2008

Fascism at a theater near you!

Wake Up! When will this nation ,be it this world see the wave of fascism is on the rise! But,it is not coming w/people with swastikas or w/black shirts,but in the guise of ultra-nationalism! Now you may say," I love my country what is wrong w/that?"My answer does your love of nation make you feel superior to so-called 3rd world nations. Do you feel in the name of America it is ok to rain bombs down upon weaker nations to spread your so-called democracy. Do you feel in the name of keeping your country safe we should lock up any Arab,Pakistani,or Muslim youth because he may be a terrorist! Do you feel because someone "illegally"crossed an imaginary line(created by man)he/she should be killed in the name of keeping out"illegal aliens." Well,if you do you sound more like one who supports fascism than freedom! Look at the history of the fascists and check even in Federal government. They proudly display a bundle of rods w/an axe head called the fasces the symbol the fascists used! Former Louisana senator Huey Long declared if the power is consolidated into one person that is how fascism would come into America. Doesn't it look like that today to you, it does to me! And Allaah knows best!

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