Friday, May 2, 2008

The War against Islaam

Today in the news we are constantly bombarded with this war the USA is engaged in. It was originally called the "War against Terror" or extremism. Sometimes refered to Islaamic terrorism,extremism,or even fundamentalism. Today we have basically what is called the "War against Islamo-Fascism." Which to me is weird becuse fascism and Islaam couldn't be so dissimilar. Fascism made popular by Benito Mussolini, outlawed everything including religious ideas and more or less your worship was to race and nation,similar to Nazism! Whereas Islaam, race and nation are against the basic tenets of Islaam and the Law of Allaah is to reign! Islaam is a system or way of life designed by the Creator to tell mankind how to live! Fascism is designed by man like Socialism,Communism,Marxism,Democracy,etc....see how it doesn't match sort of like an oxymoron. I read an letter to the editor some time ago in Newsday in NY written by a Jewish man who basically said the same thing. But, how he finished didn't surprise me,I've been waiting for someone to come out and say it for a while. He said in reality the war is against ISLAAM! I like many other Muslims knew this for years,but it took 9/11 to give a greenlight to wage this war. Why is it against Islaam in reality? Because Islaam, as stated before,puts the Laws of Allaah above man made laws! It unites people upon the common ground of worshipping and submitting to the One True Creator,Allaah! Things such as racism,nationalism,oppression,tyranny as well as social ills(drug abuse,alcoholism,homosexuality,etc..)are fought against and considered outside the Laws of Allaah! But,as long as these ills and evils are allowed to prevail,the people who hold to their power can control the masses and use these ills for their gains! The West for ex. are not in the Middle East to bring this joke called Democracy there. No,they are there to control their interests( which in reality are not theirs but stolen),use cheap and sometimes slave labor of the indigenous people, so we can be richer! Now when Islaam came to the lands of the Non-Muslims such as Spain the oppressed were freed and the oppressor were vanquished and Justice was est. in the land! The Non-Muslims lived under the protection of the Muslims,practiced their religious rituals,and even judged by their Books(Torah and the New Testament). Now I'd be a liar to say that there were not oppressive and corrupt Muslim rulers,that innocent people were not slaughtered. But, I will say that when the Muslims leave the pure way of Islaam, introduce new things(bid'a),practice shirk(putting partners w/Allaah),and leave the Jihaad(STRUGGLE, NOT HOLY WAR). These things will occur as well as the oppression and hopelessness the Muslims are experiencing today! For the Muslims who read this let us return to Qur'aan and Sunnah w/the understanding of the Salafus Saleeh(Pious Predecessors). Return to Salaah(prayer 5 times a day at least),giving Zakah(poor tax due),fasting Ramadhaan, and make the Hajj(pilgrimage to Makkah). Let us remove the racism,nationalism,classism that has crept into our hearts. Over come the fear and hopelessness we've developed esp. after 9/11,this is a test of our Eemaan(faith). First and foremost put Allaah's oneness first,establish His law upon the earth,and to correct ourselves and our practices! And Allaah knows best!
For the Non-Muslims reading this, there is no such thing as changing our religion,it is Pure! What must be changed and corrected is the foreign ideas that have snuck in,in the guise of Islaam! I find it funny that you don't want to be subjected to Islaam ,but in the West's hypocrisy they wish to push democracy and their ideals on the Muslims! Islaam was here w/the 1st man and woman,our parents Aadam(Adam) and Hawaah(Eve) peace be upon them both. Throughout the history of all the Prophets and Messengers,dictators,rulers,etc.. who feared Islaam's influence fought them,slandered them,and sometimes killed them! This is not new to the Muslims. There will always be a group upon the correct way who enjoin good and forbid wrong,who don't fear the blame of the blamers! Allaah promise this in Qur'aan and Allaah never fails in his promise.

1 comment:

Yehuda said...

Dear Abu Muaadh ibn Todd,

My name is Yehuda Isaac and I would like to invite you to a radio show that is targeted towards conservatives who do not understand the teachings of Islam. The show is run by a conservative called Tracy who fears Islam yet she has never read the Qur’an.

I have agreed to get involved with the radio show as Tracy has agreed that we will allow all voices to be heard, even the ones that she does not agree with. Tracy told me that you are critical of her views and so I requested that we invite you on the show.

The other reason why I'm approaching you is that we are looking for conservative Muslims who are very knowledgeable about Islamic reasoning and thinking. It appears that you know this subject matter and can present Islamic thinking referring to the teachings from the Quran, Hadith or another well recognized Islamic book. We are not looking for anyone who is not well versed in Islamic teaching for this show, so if you are not comfortable discussing Islamic positions and reasoning then please decline this invitation.

Given that you converted to Islam, you should also be able to explain Islamic practices in a mainstream American way.

The show is on the 17th July at 3pm Eastern Std Time.

The rules of the show are as follows:

1. No use of vulgar language or profanities is accepted
2. No personal verbal attacks is accepted from anyone

Anyone who breaks the rules will be disconnected from the show after one warning.

This is a discussion on beliefs and understanding how Islam can be practiced in a Democracy without fear and phobia from non-Muslims.

Just so that you know, I am a liberal and don’t agree with much of Tracy’s conservative thinking.

I agree with you that the term Islamo-Fascism makes no sense.

I probably don’t agree with many of your beliefs as I am a Reformed Jew (I don't follow the Talmud) , however, we all need to get educated on the role of Islam in American life.

I would greatly appreciate your response, because if you cannot make it I will need to find someone else.

Salam Aleyk.

I can also be reached at